Thursday, July 3, 2014

The thief 10

The trick
Afterwards the jinn left the thief and went to his business .the thief called" Sanasana,sana". He waited silent without movement. His eyes were gazed at the sea waiting the whale coming. The sea was settle .the waves were moved as usual. He called again and again. There was strange thing appeared. He felt with disappointment.
So he decided to go .but suddenly a big wave of water was appeared and before it a strange and big fish appeared. He thought that she was a whale .So he waited to talk to her but she swallowed him at less than of eye closing. He was in her mouth, her Pharynx and her stomach which was tried to digested him in speed, but he caught with some of its cilia. He could catch the wood rods and tried to scratch them. But the movement of the stomach was so violence that made him not to control of his movement. He could finally scratch them with unbelievable that the jinn could know his place .but suddenly he heard a voice nearing him saying" how do you get in that amused place?"
When the thief saw him he cried loudly and said "oh! My dearest friend, I thought I was finished. Can you help me?"
The jinn said "it is difficult but I will try"
He got out two metal' rods and said to the thief "take this". He gave one of the rod ,then he caught the other .He connected between them with wire and said "scratch her stomach hard. The both did the same thing but in wide places .the thief asked while resisting the severe movement of the stomach "why do we do that?"
The jinn said "all natural system in creatures depending on balance of magnetic and electric and we changed this balance trying to make her …"
But the suddenly the wild big fish opened her mouth and sneeze hard. So they got off. The wild fish saw them and recognized that they could escape. So she chassed them. The ordered the thief to catch his head's hair strongly. The jinn flew to the sky and unfortunately the big fish did as them. The jinn watching that and saying "no ,no how does she do this?".
The thief said "how can we escape?"
The jinn said "who helped us first, will help us again. But damned fish she flew fastest. Catch me strong and he flew higher .he said "there is a big cloud .we can disappear before her.The fish crossed through the big cloud and stroke it with her tail making a big lightening and a great thundering. The jinn circled around himself trying to avoid the lightening action. The big fish still followed them. The jinn said "How did she do this big lightening?"
He continued "oh! She must strike this cloud with its tail and made one of two halves turning around itself and strikes with the other half. As one half has a polarity different from its end and when two different poles meet the lightening and the rains occur.
The fish descended down to the sea. The thief said "do you see this two small clouds?"
The jinn said "Yes!"
The thief said "can you move them toward this fish?"
The jinn said "no , they are so difficult in move and they are still"
The thief said "try"
The jinn moved two with his longest arms toward the fish. The thief said "give me the metals' rods and put me on her back."
The jinn said "but it is so harm and it is difficult to get you safe again"
The thief said "after you put me , I will put the two rods on her back and you come in speed and hit them over her back and take me before that smashing or I will be dead"
The jinn said" no"
The thief said "Please"
The jinn said" so. Cut one of my hair and give it to me, to tie one of this clouds as they are wide"
The cutting was so hard that was obvious on jinn's face. He did so in fast and could take the thief in speed that made a big lightening that burned the fish' back. They took off the two rods where they are so hot and do another act on her head that made great lightening and the fish was so hurt. She moved without natural move and hurt both of them
The three lost their consciousness

The jinn got up first .he searched for his friend .he found the fish flow over the sea water without movement. It doesn't matter for him, the important is his friend .where did he go?
He feared to call on him as if he did, the fish might get up and prevent him from searching .where did he go?
Oh! He must sink in the bottom of the sea. He dived very fast and searched at the bottom. His heart was filled with fear that he might not find him again .he swam horizontally at the bottom and searched at the bottom's mud. He tended to cry as he found no one. He tended to swim up and punish this awful fish. But he looked at his right, he found him lying on the bottom. He went to him in speed and carried him up, till he reached the top of the sea water and tried to find the nearest shore. But with his unfortunately he found the damned fish searched for them and she saw them. She took the attack position and with rapid she attacked them. He bowed in the water till she passed over his head. Her thorn scratched and hurt his head. He flew up till he reached the shore. Putting his friend on his abdomen and tried to press at his back to get out the drunken sea water. He heard a strange voice .he looked toward it ,he found the fish came in fast on the shore .he didn't believe himself. He dropped in confusion "what will he do?"
He must safe his friend. He let him and flew up and he found a mount of sand. He carried a lot of it and spread it at her eyes .she lost her way and decreased her speed. He carried the thief and pressed his back by one hand putting another hand on his abdomen till the thief got out the water with coughing. They were still up and the thief said with weak voice "where am I?
Oh! I am still life. Why didn't you let me die?"
The jinn said "what? After all that effort saying let you till die. No! We will reach our aim and we will success. Now let us learn this stupid fish a big lesson"
The fish returned to the sea very slowly .The jinn ordered the thief to catch him strongly by his back hair and the jinn caught the tail's fish and left it up. He let it down she covered with sand .he lift her again but she moved her tail speedy to hurt them but he could avoid it .she flew towards the sea.
He flew towards the cloud and pushed it on her back which make her lost her balance and dropped the shore again. He flew in speed and caught the two clouds with his longest arms and ordered his friend to put the two metals' rod on her back and he smashed two clouds strongly and run away .the lightening was very obvious making her screaming loudly and stopping in moving. After while she moved and flew towards the sea .he pushed another two clouds towards her and she downed to the sea. They faced again and he pushed another two big clouds towards her. She spoke saying "Enough, enough"

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